Trinny London’s neck cream

When the Trinny London team reached out to me at the start of the year to invite me to be part of their latest product launch, the excitement levels went straight to 100 – you know I love Trinny London products. The makeup is so easy to use and the skincare is incredibly impressive. So… View Post

The Luminary Series No 2 reveal – The Dalmore’s limited edition whisky

On Thursday Kris and I went along to V&A Dundee for the reveal of the Luminary Series No 2 by The Dalmore which was created by Melodie Leung, Director at Zaha Hadid Architects in partnership with Gregg Glass, Master Whisky Maker and Richard Paterson OBE, Master Distiller. 🥃 The Luminary Series is a three-part collection… View Post

Freshening up our hallway

Our hallway has needed freshening up for many years, but as one of the smallest spaces in the house it’s been low on the priority list. However, when we decided to refloor the downstairs we knew we had to address the hallway situation. The before picture is actually very much an inbetween picture; by the… View Post

Reflooring our living space

We finally replaced the flooring in our living space this year… But to understand the levels of excitement this brings, you have to keep scrolling for the before picture! THE STORY BEHIND OUR NEW FLOORING We bought our house in 2008 and, although the flooring was solid and lasted the sixteen years with us growing… View Post

Come with us on family a minibreak to Archerfield

After a hectic few months that started with Kittie’s birthday, peaked with Christmas and New Year holidays, then continued on to Nathan’s birthday, it was time for a break. A FAMILY MINIBREAK Archerfield is a luxury leisure and golf desination located around 20 miles south east of Edinburgh, and a short drive from the seaside… View Post