A healthy but realistic start to 2018

This is a paid partnership with Fish is the Dish

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. In the past, I’ve made resolutions in January, and I’ve failed at them because I’ve set unrealistic challenges for myself. And nothing feels worse than failing, so I stopped making them around three years ago.
Instead, I try and set myself little goals for every week rather than looking at an entire year. Yes, there are things I want to achieve in 2018, such as more travel (I didn’t leave the UK in 2017 at all) and more savings. Weekly goals are harder to keep because these are the ones become part of your routine, part of your lifestyle – that’s where New Year’s resolutions end, and just life begins. For me, it’s about maintaining the life I want by setting small but regular priorities rather than using the first month of a new year to try and change huge elements of my life.
So what are my weekly targets? I have two things I must do three times a week: go running and post my blog. The former I do achieve, the latter has been more difficult since having a baby – so that’s something I’m going to work harder at this year. Another weekly (well, daily I guess) goal is recycling – my husband constantly gets on to me about recycling, so this year I promise to recycle even more, turn off the lights, and make sure I take my re-usable coffee cup with me everywhere.
Finally? I promise to eat more fish. I’ve already explained that I’m working with Fish is the Dish, but Christmas is a time when fish really took a ‘back seat’ to other more seasonal meats. So, after a few weeks of enjoying too much beef and turkey, I’m pleased to be back to a healthy, tasty diet of two portions of fish a week. The health benefits to eating fish are huge and, don’t quote me, but I don’t think any other meat offers quite as many benefits (like omega 3, and contributing towards a healthy heart, brain and vision) as fish does. And it’s not just plain white fish, or oily fish, that’s good for us (though oily fish offers the most), but seafood and shellfish also have loads of goodness, and taste amazing too.

So I decided to kickstart my 2018 promise to eat more fish with this tasty king prawn Thai green curry. (You can watch me cook the dish – a Lorraine Pascale recipe, adapted by me – on my Instagram Story Highlights). A prawn or monkfish curry is a great way to include fish in your diet in a super tasty way – such a treat for the weekend instead of a heavy, expensive take away. If you want more inspiration for cooking yummy meals with fish, visit Fish is the Dish online.
Life is for living, not pressuring yourself to be better or do better – it’s about being the best version of yourself, deciding what you want from life, and setting realistic goals which you can actually achieve. And that’s how you keep new year’s resolutions, because they’re not set once a year – they’re part of who you are, everyday.

To find out out how to make this king prawn Thai green curry, visit my Instagram Story Highlights where I’ve posted and saved the recipe. Don’t forget to share your fish pictures with @fishisthedish and #my2aweek.

Images: Kris Miller.



  1. Barbara Lindsay 9th January 2018 / 21:58

    This looks really good!

  2. Becca Scwartz 12th February 2018 / 18:00

    My mouth is definitely watering after reading this post. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Jim 21st February 2018 / 09:47

    stunning, this is what real food looks like. Forget burgers in sheets of plastic.


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