Breakfast at DCA

Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) acts as a sort of glue to the people of Dundee. The brasserie-come-arts centre is a hub of creativity where Dundee’s arts, design and writing community often gathers to enjoy the facilities, which include a gallery, workshop, restaurant, bar and cinema. Since its inception in the Nineties, DCA has acted as the… View Post

Fit for a Queen

Hi. I’m Christina and I’m a chocoholic. With this in mind you can imagine my delight when, after reading about a fancy new chocolate by Scottish chocolatier Iain Burnett to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, Mr Daydreamer came home with a box of them! Well, not exactly. But close enough. Iain Burnett – AKA The… View Post

Pink & Tonic

I do like a good G&T. Have done for years, it’s become my staple go-to drink when I don’t want to end up overly giddy. It’s a refreshing drink, one that is perfectly acceptable to enjoy at 4 o’clock on a sunny afternoon with a good squeeze of lime. I’m a bit fussy about gin,… View Post

Door Below

A couple of weeks ago I received a very mysterious invitation. Other than the important time and date, all it said was to follow the neon light, with the Twitter handle and hashtag (@doorbelow #doorbelow). A week later, the day before the event, all was revealed; I was going to the launch of a new… View Post

Bubbles & Brunch

  Last weekend I was invited by the brains (and beauty) behind lifestyle blog Secret Little Stars, Tatyana, to join her for Bubbles and Brunch at Hutchesons Glasgow. I’d been once before, with Tatyana and Lucy, and was instantly taken by the old fashioned glamour of the building; think Downton Abbey meets Boardwalk Empire. Our brunch… View Post