The summer ache

Summertime… a season that is longed for, so much so that the body aches. To lift your face upwards to a warm sun before you’ve even thought about your morning coffee. To feel the salty air, tangling and thickening your hair. The unrivalled refreshing touch of an icy lemonade, tickling and satisfying, swiftly followed by… View Post

Two birthdays means a lot of cake

When you celebrate two birthdays on the same day (especially one big birthday – not mine) there ends up being a lot of food – in particular, a lot of cake. From carrot cake and pavlova to cupcakes and an enormous Victoria sponge, we definitely ate our weight in sugar and cream this weekend. What… View Post

There’s more to life

A year ago I wouldn’t have sat in my garden wearing these shorts, let alone have my photograph taken in them. I bought them for a holiday in early 2018, a time when I was feeling really good about myself externally and internally. I was running well and eating well, and this was reflected in… View Post

Snow day

Just as we were starting to feel hopeful for spring, the snowstorm came. Just a week ago, I had started thinking about the spring dresses in my wardrobe, the ones that have been stored away over the winter months. I’d begun to wonder how I might wear them in a few weeks’ time, most likely… View Post

The robe that will make you feel better

Yesterday we were told of new rules surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and Christmas. For many, these tighter restrictions will be devastating, at best disappointing. I am fortunate that I can still see my family but my husband’s family are in Oxford, which means we can’t be with them over Christmas or for the foreseeable future.… View Post