Ideal Home

Interior design is something I haven’t really covered much on the blog, mostly because my home isn’t quite how I’d like it to be. Ideally, we’d replace the bathrooms, our conservatory, the kitchen cabinets (and build an island or breakfast bar) and all of the flooring throughout the house, as well as paint the exterior white. There are also certain pieces of furniture I’d like to update, preferably from places such as BoConcept (a new designer furniture store which opened recently in Edinburgh) so I could create a fairly unique look – but, alas, we’re being sensible with our finances while I’m on maternity leave.

So, I find the best way to update our home is to add cheap decorative pieces and affordable accessories. This is a simple and inexpensive way to feel as though I’m making some small changes towards achieving my ideal home; for example, finding photo frames for the gallery wall which is starting to take effect in the hallway, or the hook in the hallway that’s waiting for the perfect round mirror to be hung. In addition, I always have a vase or two of fresh flowers – I love white roses, and sometimes a pretty pastel by way of a hydrangea, peony or lilac – and they look gorgeous atop our dark wooden unit, with the grey paint behind, our wedding photo positioned just so.

Other tricks I have for making our house a home? Showing off my coffee table books (favourites include 50 Years of Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Manolo Blahnik by Colin McDowell and Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty) by stacking them in the living room; adding pretty trinkets here and there in the home office; artificial flowers and luxury magazines to brighten a corner of the upstairs landing; and traditional teddies and classic children’s books that incentive belonged to my mum in the nursery. Small things, big difference.

As much as I love daydreaming about having the most beautiful interior design it’s actually the little touches that make a house a home, is it not?

Here are three of my favourite accessories (all linked in the post above) from the new Edinburgh designer furniture store, BoConcept, who kindly sponsored this post.



  1. Barbara Lindsay 28th May 2017 / 09:52

    Lovely touches.

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