Citizens of Humanity – the jeans of dreams

As someone whose jeans collection is close to hitting 20 pairs, it might be safe to assume that I’ve never truly found the perfect pair. My jeans collection is varied – there are some Ralph Lauren and Dr Denim in there, a bit of New Look and Next (gifted). There’s GAP, Debenhams, Baukjen (gifted), and… View Post

Yoghurt cake

When I saw this recipe in Nigella Lawson’s cookbook, Nigelissima, I knew I had to try it out – neat little slices had been photographed alongside espressos and I fell for the idea of a bite size piece of cake with my mid-morning coffee… the trouble is, they’re just a bit too easy to pick… View Post

So long, old friend

Summer 2020 will undoubtedly go down in history. A summer of fragments, like a mirror shattered, its thousands of tiny pieces sparkling under the sun. Each piece a memory that will fade away over time but will remain forever etched in our minds, imprinted after being retold to friends, family, and (hopefully) generations that didn’t… View Post

The dress-y white trainer

This post is in collaboration with Air & Grace in a gifting capacity. For ages I have been looking for a white trainer that was less tennis shoe, more proper shoe. Something I could wear with both jeans and dresses, a trainer that would take me from summer into autumn nicely – nothing too lightweight,… View Post

Embracing mum-style

I’ve been embracing mum-style for the last few years, obviously since becoming a mum – flats over heels, jeans over trousers, dresses that skim rather than hug the body. That said, I’m pretty sure I’d be making these same choices at this time in my life regardless of my family situation, so I don’t think… View Post