One woman, two styles

For a long time I’ve felt like I’m made up by two different personalities. (I’ve always been convinced it’s because I’m a Gemini, though Kris would scoff.) One side of me is serious, focused, organised, and the other has her head in the clouds. The former is responsible, the latter is not irresponsible, but she… View Post

Homemade pizzas

This post is in collaboration with The Giddy Goose, who provided me with two free pizza boxes in exchange for social media coverage. There are many variations of people’s experiences with lockdown. Some are learning a new language, some gardens are more manicured than ever, some are getting fitter by the day – but some… View Post

Upgrading the patio on a budget

We have lived in our house for 12 years this month and, over that time, we’ve generally tried to keep it well maintained and looked after, upgrading things here and there while living within our means. While I’ve taken more of an interest inside the house, the garden has mostly been looked after by Kris.… View Post

Courgette and Walnut Loaf

I don’t know about you, but this lockdown I have spent a lot of time eating and drinking more than I normally would. Savoury or sweet, red or white – you name it, I’ve inhaled it. For the past week I have chosen healthier options, and I’ve been tracking my calorie intake so that I… View Post

The Simple Life

Lockdown is taking its toll on us all. I’ve been speaking to so many people who are experiencing mood swings, from one hour to the next sometimes, myself included. However, it seems we are all guilty of pushing our feelings aside  – we’re not suffering enough on the pain scale so our emotions are not… View Post