The fashionable hiking boot

White hiking boots wouldn’t ordinarily be on my sartorial wish-list, but you know when you see something and it just makes sense? That’s how I felt when I laid eyes on these boots at the Jones Bootmaker press event in September. I thought how perfect they’d be with blue jeans, black jeans, white jeans, you… View Post

Hybrid dressing

As if autumn dressing wasn’t tricky enough, post-lockdown the age-old conundrum of what-to-wear has been exacerbated by the hybrid working situation. As well as the weather being unpredictable, it’s hard to know what’s expected at work. Smart? Casual? (As long as it’s not smart-casual – what does that even mean?) I guess hybrid weather and… View Post

My go-to outfit for everyday

As a mum of two young kids, who recently turned 40 and works mainly from home, most days are spent in a sweater and yoga trousers, maybe jeans at a push. For me, jeans are most often paired with a tank top and trainers, and I was recently inspired by a friend who regularly wears… View Post

Mellow yellow

With every morning that passes, I wake to a colder house. As much as I hate to admit it, it’s time to say goodbye to the summer and knowing that those long nights with their indigo skies will soon turn pitch black is a sweet sorrow. The hopefulness and adventure of summertime never feels to… View Post

What we got up to in Oxfordshire

First and foremost, we go to Oxford to visit our family so it’s not really a tourist-y trip for us; the main goal of the week is to spend time with Kris’ parents and sister, and our nephew. Usually, we’re there over a week that covers three family birthdays. Now that Nathan’s starting school we… View Post