Some time Americal Apparel model, Denni has worked on a variety of projects with a variety of industry veterans including Vogue Nippon with the fabulous Anna Dello Russo, and most recently Dolce & Gabbana. Not only does this girl have style (of which, the fash pack can’t seem to live without), she’s a doll too. She emailed me right back when I asked if I could do a short profile on her for The Daydreamer and was a darling about the whole thing. Chic Muse is one of my most favourite bloggers and not just because she looks great in disco leggings – she’s a sweetheart of the truest form.
Above: Denni Elias, aka Chic Muse. Visit her blog here.
love it! Thank you for the article!
Denni, thank you again, with hugs, xx