Empowering Women

Dolce Vita by Charlotte Tilbury Sometimes life can be overwhelming. The pressure to achieve, both in the workplace and at home is relentless. The demand on us to deliver at work seems higher than ever (gone are the days of a job well done, now it’s all about budgets and targets), and there’s an expectation… View Post

Little Black Dress

Accepting a change in your body is difficult regardless of the reason. I’ve always struggled with my weight, I guess being the ‘right side of chubby’ would put into words how I generally feel day-to-day. Over the last year I’ve come to accept my body shape and my skin, and I’ve tried hard to eat… View Post

Kick Start

Life isn’t always easy, but a good outfit can really help to lift your spirits. After a few weeks of feeling not quite myself, this weekend I chose my kick-flares to kick-start my attitude. In life, sometimes the simple things pick us up – so, Saturday meant getting dressed and going for lunch in St… View Post

Measuring Up

Why do I blog? It’s a question I ask myself at least once a week. Sometimes, I don’t even need to think about it; the answer is right there, on the screen in front of me – I enjoy having a creative outlet that I am completely in control of. The Daydreamer has been a… View Post

Power A Life

I was recently sent a portable power bank, Power a Life. My first impression was how stylish the little charger was – its slender frame and light weight make it a neat techy accessory that will slip easily into your bag, pocket or even on your belt, thanks to the clip on the back. I… View Post