The Final Touches

I adore the ongoing trend for statement jewellery, don’t you? Something slightly costume, slightly expensive and slightly over the top always goes down a treat with The Daydreamer. Personally, I like statement jewellery that seems to have a story or background – a ring that resembles a sparkling gem hidden amongst a bed of golden leaves, a tribal inspired necklace that evokes strength and dignity or perhaps a set of vintage chandelier earrings, passed down generations after being worn to a variety of Parisian society dinners.
My own favourite piece of costume jewellery would have to be one of three necklaces; a solid rose-pink corsage nestled slightly off-centre upon three rows of matching beads, a square crystal, almost Art Deco necklace and finally, a short string of faux pearls topped off with two brooch-like pieces of diamante/crystal. (I might do a separate post to show you these, and you can tell me which is your favourite!).
Anyway, if, like me, you love to play dress up then scroll down for jewellery images that are sure to get your credit card shimmying its way out of your Marc by Marc wallet. At the very least, these gorgeous fancies are guaranteed to inspire your own jewellery choices.

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Above: all earrings by Talullah Tu.
Images: Karen Berman Consultancy.
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Above, from top: Mawi, Lara Bohinc, Erickson Beamon at Cruise.
Images: Cruise / The Big Partnership.
Cocktail Rings
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Above, from top: Bounkit Tiger’s Eye, Bounkit Fluorite Emerald and Amethyst, Amrita Singh Light Ruby Brigitte at Dia Boutique.
Images: Obsession PR.

Also, check out Dom & Ruby’s new website (they’re the ones with the amaaaahzing aviator jacket, remember?) The site has a brilliant new look and is 100% in keeping with the whole Dom & Ruby vibe – trendy but eternally stylish.


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