Today I’m Wearing

For the past year or so, I’ve been Tweeting quite a lot. I had been joining in on the “today I’m wearing” hashtag when British Vogue once retweeted my outfit of the day (OOTD), but then my Twitter friend from Australia was posting #todayimwearing every day via Instagram (her outfits are amazing, but then, what else would you expect from an Assistant Buyer?) and I thought I’d sign up to the photo sharing app also. So, since January, I’ve been partaking in the #todayimwearing #ootd malarkey, and here’s a selection of the outfits I’ve posted so far.

There’s a lot of black in my wardrobe!
Hopefully now that Spring is here, we’ll see some more colour. 
Do you play the #todayimwearing game?
Follow me on Twitter: @The_Daydreamer_
Follow me on Instagram: @christinalindsay


  1. Molly 19th March 2012 / 19:51

    How cute are you?! That black pant & white blazer combo is my favvvvvvourite!

  2. Melinda 26th March 2012 / 22:45

    Some amazing outfits!

    Love the coloured denim and that leopard print dress.


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